Neepawa's EDO, helping ideas grow


Kate Jackman - Atkinson
Neepawa Banner & Press

Business is the backbone of every rural community, but businesses, both large and small, face challenges as they seek to establish, grow and thrive. In Neepawa, the Economic Development Office exists to help both new and established businesses as they navigate the sometimes uncertain waters.
Town of Neepawa Economic Development Officer (EDO) Marilyn Crewe helps businesses of any size.

“I’ll talk through business ideas with anyone,” she says of the wide cross section of business owners who walk through her doors. Crewe said that she will talk to business owners about any areas in which they are facing challenges, such as marketing, cash flow, expansion plans and succession planning. “If I don’t have the answer, I’ll help them find it,” she explained.

For those considering starting a new business, a visit with Crewe can provide some much needed guidance. She’ll talk with them about options, regulations and what they might need to get started. “I don’t do the work for them,” she said, explaining that she will walk them through some of the steps and point to areas that may need some attention. She’ll also help them with areas of their business plan, such as defining their target market or developing a marketing plan. Owning a business is a dream for many people and Crewe also helps people who are still in the planning stages and not yet ready to take the plunge.

Desire and necessity drive entrepreneurs to start their own businesses and fortunately for most of Crewe’s clients, it’s passion that’s driving their new venture. She works with entrepreneurs who must balance their desire to start something new with an existing, paying job. In these cases, she can help entrepreneurs talk through and plan their transition.

Part of Crewe’s job also involves compiling information to help those looking to do business in the town.  This includes data such as demographics, workforce profile, available services, taxation and available land and buildings. She adds that she can also have this information this information customized by sector such as the hospitality industry or value-added food processing.

Compared to many communities, Crewe says that Neepawa is in a strong position as a location to start or expand a business.  Not only does it have diversity among its existing businesses, but it also has a balanced population of young and old residents, all needing products and services. This type of diverse population creates opportunities for all kinds of different business ventures and Crewe is there to help them all.